Fill up the online registration form on our website. on submitting your details, We Contact You Within 24Hrs.
Ideally, you Need to Pay The Fee within 48 Hours of Filling up The Form.
Yes. You can Pay the Fee now Net Banking.
Both Will be Conducted in the Capital - New Delhi.
No. Every transaction has to be recorded for your safety and ours. Hence, cash payments are not accepted.
Once Your Registration is Complete, you will receive a Call From Team MIQH.
No. It is Not Mandatory. You Can Speak in Any Language You Prefer - English Hindi Punjabi/Marathi etc. There Are no Scores For language.
As an Alternate, You Can Pay The Registration Fee & Grooming Charges Through PAYTM or GOOGLE PAY by transferring Rs.1,500+60,000 to Our Mobile Number (+91 7081137777) From Your Registered Mobile Number.
A/C Holder Name: MIQH, A/C No: 50200039577888 Bank HDFC Bank, IFSC Code: hdfc0001112 +91 9838623821, +91 7081137777

Registrations open -  2025